Thursday, 6 March 2014

Oscars, selfies and photobombs

I know I am super late for the party, but rather late than never right?

First thing I have to say: how is it possible that DiCaprio hasn't won an Oscar yet? Especially after his amazing performance at "The Wolf of Wall Street"? I haven't seen "Dallas Buyers Club" yet, so I can't judge Matthew's performance on it, but seriously, DiCaprio has been waiting for this for years. And the photos I have seen on the internet were super funny, but poor DiCaprio. I felt really bad for him.

Second thing is I haven't seen the ceremony, and it is possible that I will never see it. Not that I don't like it, but it won't be on telly again and I can't be bother with it. However I seen a video of the part with the pizza delivery, which I found hilarious since most of the women were like "It's pizza, I'm not eating that" (If it was me, I'd ask for two slices) and Brad Pitt looked like he didn't have anything to eat for days. 

Third, the selfie everyone wants to be in. I mean everyone, because the amount of photoshopped versions I have seen with different people is insane. Even Homer Simpson wanted to be in it (that was my favourite one).  But seriously, that's the coolest selfie ever. Imagine just casually taking a selfie with Bradley Cooper, Jennifer Lawrence, Meryl Streep, Jared Leto, Ellen Degeneres, Julia Roberts, Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie... oh wait a second, Lupita Nyong'o's  brother did it. Lucky bastard. 

And for last, the photobombs. I will never, ever get over Benedict Cumberbatch's photobomb. It was the best. ever. I mean, he looks like a 10 year-old boy in it. But that wasn't the only one. Apparently Jared Leto's also likes to be a photobomb. And Lupita. And Benedict again. And Jared, again. 

Because I'm like the coolest (not) person ever, guess what? I'm showing the pictures one more time, just in case you live in Mars and haven't seen it yet. 

The Simpsons edit. See if you can find Bart.

 Best. Photobomb. Ever. Mr Cumberbatch ladies and gentlemen.

Oh Leto!

What's up with his face? haha

So Lupita was photobombing Leto. Ok

 Poor thing. Didn't have food in days.

And for last, here's the gif for the second Benedict's photobomb. Enjoy.

Thursday, 20 February 2014

My bucket list

The other day, in conversation with a friend I decided to do my bucket list. For those who don't know, the bucket list is a list of things you want to do before you die.
Obviously, this is something you really need to think about, but some of them are something I always wanted to do. This is what I have so far, but I am sure I am going to be adding some with time. So here it goes:

  • Experience New York
  • Go to Abu Dhabi, Australia and New Zealand;
  • Live and work in LA (ultimate life goal!)
  • Sky Diving and Bungee jumping
  • Drive a Lamborghini and a Ferrari 
  • Travel in Europe for a whole month
  • Own a pair of Louboutins (i know, superficial, but my dream shoes)
  • Volunteering in Africa
  • Work for Google (yeah, never going to happen)
  • Scuba diving in the Caribbean
  • Volunteer for an animal shelter
  • Go to a Champions League and World Cup Final (preferably one where Benfica or Portugal is on)
  • Do a coast to coast road trip in America
  • Do a Safari
  • Go to the Maldives or Fiji islands
  • Have another Surf lesson, in Hawaii 
  • Having my own marketing agency
  • Do a photography course
I know they are mostly travel related, and some of them  are not even achievable, but I would like to think they are. If you have no idea of what you want to do and need some inspiration or just want to have a place where you can keep record of what you want to do and what have you done, here the bucket list website - - it's completely free and you can share your goals with your friends.

So share with me some of your wishes! Too curious to know. 

Monday, 17 February 2014

Let's exercise!

It's that time of the year when I start to think its time for me to start doing exercise. And yes, this happens every single year. Sometimes in April/May, others before that. Problem? It only lasts for a couple of days or weeks. 

As I said before I am a very lazy person. I like to be fit (who doesn't?) but I am always too lazy to do exercise. I remember when I was in school, PE was always my worst subject, pushing my average down a few points (one year I almost failed at it). After I finished school and when I started to gain weight, my mum always pushed me to do some exercise, so when the weather was starting to get better I always went for a run with her or with my dog or did home exercises. At the beginning I was always motivated and used to do it every morning, but then laziness would strike and I'd stop it for another year, but was still complaining that my thighs and my belly were too fat. 

In August last year, I started to loose weight. It was my final month doing my dissertation and when I am too stressed, I can't eat and that always leads me to lose weight. By October I had lost 4 kg and so far I am 6kg less than I was 6 months ago. Obviously, I don't recommend that "diet" to anyone, but I am really happy with it right now. My thighs are skinnier and my belly is gone. So now all I need to do is to start making some exercise to maintain my weight and tone my muscles. Yesterday, I decided that today I was the day I would start to exercise (again). My friend lent me her results with Lucy account - -, as she said it was an easy but effective workout. I was supposed to wake up early today, but for a change that didn't happen. When I finally got the courage to get out of bed, I put my exercise clothes and on and was ready to go. Let's just say that after 5 minutes of the bootylicious workout I was dead, and I still had to work on my abs. With a bit of motivation, I decided to finish it, doing about 20 min in total. My plan is to start with the easy ones and then increase the intensity and time. All I need to do is work on my motivation, which always leads me to give up after a few weeks.

I am ready to do it again tomorrow, however, I can't imagine the pain I'll have. But has someone told me, no pain no gain, so let's do it!!

Sunday, 2 February 2014

JK Rowling and her new revelations

People who know me, knows I love Harry Potter. I mean, in our generation, who doesn't? I grew up reading the books and watching the films, and every now and then I do a marathon that lasts me 2 or 3 days (depending how many films I watch in a day). 

For those who are like me or have seen the films know that there was always something between Harry and Hermione. They were (are) best friends, but it always seemed more that than. And there are many occasions in the film where that is evident. For example in the last one, when they are left alone by Ron in the forest. The dance scene. However, I never wanted them to be together as that was too predictable. 
Yesterday, Mrs Rowling decided to share with the world that she regretted to put Ron and Hermione together instead of her and Harry. Problem? Your're a bit too late. In an interview to Wonderland Magazine, she admired that she did as a form of wish fulfilment as she imagined Ron and Hermione ending up together. Now she apologised to all the fans for it.
Love, let me tell you something, since book one it was clear that Ron and Hermione would end up together, even though all that Harry situation. Don't apologise for that. Apologise for the fact that Harry ended up with Ginny, when their relationship was the awkwardest ever. There was no build up of their "love". Out of the blue Harry started to like her and they didn't even spend much time togehter. But what is done is done, and let's not start with the what if's.

I'm obviously not a big fan of Harry/Ginny but to be honest, I don't actually mind them together. And we all know that every now and then JK likes to say things out if the context about the series.  

Friday, 31 January 2014

I am addicted to films #1

I watch a lot of films. And I like it. Especially in these winter days, when it's cold and raining. There's nothing better than lay down on the sofa, with a blanket, my hot water bottle (which I can't live without these days) and a cup of tea (Yorkshire, please). My auntie does't agree with me as it always generates some discussions between us. "You watch too much television", she says, or "How can you watch that many films?". Simple, I like it and it entertains me more that spending time on the internet, as I get bored easily (that said by someone who wants to be a Social Media Executive).

Anyway, yesterday it was time for me to watch "The Hunger Games: Catching Fire". I was meant to watch it since it went to the cinemas, but with the price of the tickets here in England, that was not going to happen. Then when I went home for Christmas I didn't went to see it because I wanted to watch "The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug" (another amazing one!). Yesterday was finally the day I saw it. And I absolutely loved it! It was so amazing! Millions of times better than the first one and I am expecting "Mockingjay" (the 3rd and 4th film of the trilogy) to be even better! I'm not going to be a spoiler, as some of you might haven't seen it yet, but Katniss Everdeen is amazing and Jennifer Lawrence plays the part really well! All the cast in this film is amazing, the story, the effects, design, everything is amazing (I won't say this word again, promise). And I can't wait for next one, that premiers in November this year. Meanwhile, I'm going to watch the film another 50 times as I did with the first one. 

For those who have no idea of what I am talking about, please, go watch it NOW!!! 

Here's the the trailers for both films that are out:

"Happy Hunger Games! May the odds be always in your favour."

Saturday, 25 January 2014

A história do Meco e praxes

First of all, I'll have to apologise to my English readers (if any reads me haha), but today my post will be in Portuguese, as it is a topic that is being discussed at the moment in Portugal.

Este é um assunto que anda nas notícias já há mais de um mês, e que ultimamente tem gerado muita polémica. Mesmo entre os que não residem no país, como eu. Primeiro porque morreram 6 jovens e depois pela especulação sobre o que aconteceu. Em Dezembro, quando estive em Portugal lembro-me de ver na televisão que um grupo de 7 jovens que estariam a passar um fim de semana numa terra perto do Meco tinham ido à praia durante a noite e 6 deles desapareceram, numa altura em que o mar estava bastante agitado. Achei a história um pouco estranha, pois apenas uma pessoa tinha sobrevivido. Depois achei estranho, pois porque raio estariam eles na praia à noite em pleno inverno e em altura de marés vivas? Isso é algo que gosto de fazer no verão, quando está calor e vamos dar uns mergulhos para refrescar, não no inverno. Entretanto os corpos foram aparecendo, e deixei de prestar atenção à história.

Esta semana, cada vez que entrei nas redes sociais alguém publicava sobre o assunto e percebi que afinal, este ainda era tema polémico em Portugal. Vim a descobrir que os jovens estavam numa espécie de encontro para testar novas praxes ou num ritual de praxes, pensado "ok tudo bem, não percebo o porquê, mas cada faculdade é diferente". Continuavam os posts e fui lendo as noticias do Público, CM etc. E aí percebi que algo de muito errado aconteceu nessa noite, e que agora me causa náuseas só de pensar. O único sobrevivente, alegou amnésia devido ao choque (isto parece-me desculpa esfarrapada), os pais das vítimas estão indignados porque ele não fala, o que me parece justo, pois eles tem o direito de saber o que aconteceu aos seus filhos; mas para mim o pior de tudo, foi saber que sim, realmente eles estavam lá por praxes e que aparentemente eles tinham pedras amarradas aos pés. Sim, pedras. Amarradas aos pés como se fossem animais. Mas isto são praxes?

Quem me conhece, sabe que nos meus anos de estudante universitária sempre participei e fui defensora das praxes. Daquelas em que existe respeito pelos caloiros e pelos veteranos. Daquelas cujo o objectivo é integrar pessoas, torná-las mais a vontade com os seus colegas e criar o espírito académico que nós conhecemos. Neste momento, acho que a minha opinião está a mudar. Sempre se soube que há praxes abusivas um pouco por todo o país, aliás todos os anos se fala disso nas noticias, mas isto é algo que me deixa sem palavras.
Como disse, as praxes para mim são um ritual de integração, não de autoridade, onde veteranos frustrados abusam da sua autoridade sobre os caloiros. Ainda hoje discuti este assunto quando um amigo fez uma publicação relacionada com este tópico no Facebook. Falava-se da responsabilidade que as pessoas tem durante as praxes, mas principalmente do facto de as pessoas dizerem não. Eu sou da opinião de, participa quem quer. Quem não quer, diz não e pronto. Mas como também disse que por existir muita peer pressure, é difícil pessoas dizerem não. Nem todos são fortes o suficiente para dizer não, muitos deles até vão bastante assustados e não nos podemos esquecer da persuasão que existe. E depois há os que fazem de tudo para serem integrados. Nem que tenham de andar a rastejar durante horas. E depois de ler uma reportagem da TVI24 em que se dizia que uma das jovens que morreu foi deixada no meio de uma serra sozinha para que "se preparasse para a vida" parece-me que este era exactamente o tipo de pessoas que eles eram (atenção, não os conheci, não estou a julga-los por isso).

É uma tragédia que uma coisa destas tenha acontecido, mas espero que felizmente isto mude mentalidades e que se responsabilizem as pessoas envolvidas nisto. Há anos que ouvimos dizer que alguém morreu ou que teve algum tipo de lesão por causa de praxes abusadoras. Espero sinceramente que não tenha de haver mais mortes para se mudar a mentalidade dos jovens estudantes que praxam desta forma. Dizemo-nos ser um país civilizado, mas assim que comentei com a minha amiga inglesa sobre isto, ela perguntou-me: "Mas estão na tropa?"

Sunday, 12 January 2014


I love watches. Would have a collection of them if I could. And there's a few I would love to have. These three are on my wishlist.

Mark Jacobs £152

Michael Kors £175

Swatch £134

So you all know it's my birthday soon. If you lack of ideas, you know what to do ;)

Friday, 10 January 2014

Adult life

As you all know, or should, I am 23 years old  and I going to be 24 in a month (oh my god, I am old!). The good thing about it is that I don't feel 23 at all! It's like I've stopped at 21 (oh, I wish). However, sometimes I have the feeling that my life is not what it should be. I mean, I've completed my Master, something that I would never thought of doing a few years ago; I am living abroad and have a job (not the perfect one, but working on it), and I don't depend on a man. Living the dream right?
But then, I look at my childhood friends, and then that's when I feel like something is not right. Four of them are already mums, one of them is pregnant with the second child; one of them is married and the other engaged. So all starting to build a family. And it makes me think: "Should I start thinking about that?", "Should I start looking to settle down?", but then I think "I am too young for that, I still have a lot to live and a lot to do."

As I said in my last post, I have no clue of what is in for me this year, I have no idea how my life is going to be in the next few months, so why should I start thinking about that? I remember when I was about 16/17 and kept saying I will never get married and I'm only having children when I'm 30. The truth is, I look at my friends, they are really happy with their married lives and children, and I look at cute babies and think "oh my god, I want a baby." But then again, if I got pregnant now, I'd probably kill myself (joking, obviously). Besides not having the best financial situation for that, I don't even have the mentality for that! Sometimes I don't know how to take care of myself, imagine taking care of a baby. 

But the question I ask is, "Is it getting married and having kids at a young age an obligation from society or is it postponing marriage and children and focussing on the career first a trend of nowadays society?"
In my opinion, there is a lot of pressure for both. For women to have children and also build their career. So what are your views on it? Do you agree or disagree? 

Thursday, 9 January 2014

Music I like #1

"Don't you think that it's boring how people talk"

That's the start of "Tennis Court" by Lorde. My new addiction. This 17 year-old-girl, the new sensation of music, which I only found out very recently has fascinated me. Her voice, which is like amazing, the melodies, and especially the lyrics are so good, that it makes me cry. No it doesn't, I was just trying to be funny.
Anyhow, I could not believe that she is just a 17 year-old girl. I mean, I am 23 and I don't even have a clue how my future is going to be. She's 17 and already has her own album, she's travelling around the world, she is performing at Coachella this year! (UAU)

But let's talk about her album. 10 tracks of Pure Heroine (the album's name). Starting from "Tennis Court" till "A World Alone", they are amazing and addictive. For me, the songs are all about living life, going from being a common person and to being rich and living a "good life", having fun and love. From all the songs in the album "Buzzcut Season" is my favourite. For the lyrics, the melody and because it just makes me want to dance (always a winner right?) So you can see (or should I say, hear?) what I'm talking about here it goes. 


Saturday, 4 January 2014

Americans hein?

I'm a frequently user of twitter, and a lot of other social media platforms. I remember when I was in my final year doing my degree, that I had a teacher that said to the class: create a twitter account or you're going to fail. We all laugh at her face. 
Now, and since I went to live in England I use twitter pretty much everyday. Even if it is to keep up with football (for those who doesn't know, I love football), news, or what my friends say about numerous things. 
For those who don't know twitter, there are hashtags people can put in their tweets, either to relate with a subject, enter a discussion or even just to get some retweets; and sometimes, those hashtags are a trend, which means that there are a lot of people using it in their tweets. Sometimes they are made by a common user, sometimes it is related to something that is happening at the moment, or latest news. 

Yesterday, the big trend was the hashtag AmericansvsBritish. And it was funny to watch. I am assuming it was created by some American, as they are mentioned first. But seriously, it was hillarious. I saw people saying America/Britain was best because they had certain singers/bands, actors/actresses, etc. But my favourite one was by far the one where an american says that America is best because they have the Statue of Liberty whilst British have the Eiffel Tower. Yes, you read straight. The Eiffel Tower, according to this American is in Great Britan. How thick are they? 
It's not like I hate Americans (and this is not an attack to Americans), it's just that they don't have any general culture. But moving on, there was quite a few images a I saw from britains to Americans, which I'm going to leave it for you. Have fun guys! 

Thursday, 2 January 2014

Happy New Year!

New Year, New Me!

That's one of the most heard/said things as a new year resolution. Apparently everyone wants to change in the beginning of the year. "This year, I want to eat healthier" or "This year I'm going more times to the gym", are what most people wishes for. The problem is, when by November they realise they didn't do any of that.

I speak for myself, I always wish for achievable stuff and things I know I can/will do. But, I am also those ones I just mentioned that have resolutions that are forgotten in the middle. Mine are always the same: Be less lazy and stop being a procrastinator. Seriously, I am probably the laziest person on earth and have no problem to admit that. The problem is that I became a procrastinator in between. One thing is when you don't feel like doing something today, the other is always having excuses not to do it. And I have any excuse for when I'm home relaxing. Whilst I was in Uni my only problem was starting to do work, but after that I would do it with no problem. Now that I am employed, my free time is actually not to do anything. At all.
When I finished Uni, I had tons of projects to do: start a blog, learning how to use Photoshop and Illustrator, learn some basics of Social Media Marketing, creating a portfolio and at the end, creating a business plan. From the list above, I've only started a blog (which I don't even update frequently) and learnt some basics of Photoshop. I haven't even seen my favourite series and tv shows! Part of the reasons for that is my job doesn't leave much free time. I work 12 hours a day and only have a day off. (this is not an excuse, I know)

For that reason being, I have new resolutions, which I am not going to forget (or try not to), as I am putting a post-it with all of them in my mirror, room door and pretty much everything I use in my room! (kidding... or maybe not). So here they are:
  • STOP being a procrastinator
  • Having an extra day off every week (that starts in 2 weeks)
  • Publish more posts (specially funny and interesting ones)
  • STOP being a procrastinator (in case the first one doesn't work)
  • Find a new job, that is more related to the career path I want to pursuit 
  • Actually learn how to use Photoshop and Illustrator
  • Learn the basics of Social Media Marketing and manage at least 2 social media accounts 
  • Create my portfolio
  • Try to come up with a business plan
  • and finally, Stop being a procrastinator (I really need it, don't I?)

So boys and girls, or whoever is reading me, or if anyone is reading me, have a HAPPY, SUCCESSFUL, and AMAZING year. Hope you all can end this year saying "It was my year, I finally did everything I wished for", because I certainly will finish mine saying that.

P.s: When I say I am the laziest person ever, I mean when I'm home, especially on holidays, not at work.