Sunday, 2 February 2014

JK Rowling and her new revelations

People who know me, knows I love Harry Potter. I mean, in our generation, who doesn't? I grew up reading the books and watching the films, and every now and then I do a marathon that lasts me 2 or 3 days (depending how many films I watch in a day). 

For those who are like me or have seen the films know that there was always something between Harry and Hermione. They were (are) best friends, but it always seemed more that than. And there are many occasions in the film where that is evident. For example in the last one, when they are left alone by Ron in the forest. The dance scene. However, I never wanted them to be together as that was too predictable. 
Yesterday, Mrs Rowling decided to share with the world that she regretted to put Ron and Hermione together instead of her and Harry. Problem? Your're a bit too late. In an interview to Wonderland Magazine, she admired that she did as a form of wish fulfilment as she imagined Ron and Hermione ending up together. Now she apologised to all the fans for it.
Love, let me tell you something, since book one it was clear that Ron and Hermione would end up together, even though all that Harry situation. Don't apologise for that. Apologise for the fact that Harry ended up with Ginny, when their relationship was the awkwardest ever. There was no build up of their "love". Out of the blue Harry started to like her and they didn't even spend much time togehter. But what is done is done, and let's not start with the what if's.

I'm obviously not a big fan of Harry/Ginny but to be honest, I don't actually mind them together. And we all know that every now and then JK likes to say things out if the context about the series.  

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