Thursday, 9 January 2014

Music I like #1

"Don't you think that it's boring how people talk"

That's the start of "Tennis Court" by Lorde. My new addiction. This 17 year-old-girl, the new sensation of music, which I only found out very recently has fascinated me. Her voice, which is like amazing, the melodies, and especially the lyrics are so good, that it makes me cry. No it doesn't, I was just trying to be funny.
Anyhow, I could not believe that she is just a 17 year-old girl. I mean, I am 23 and I don't even have a clue how my future is going to be. She's 17 and already has her own album, she's travelling around the world, she is performing at Coachella this year! (UAU)

But let's talk about her album. 10 tracks of Pure Heroine (the album's name). Starting from "Tennis Court" till "A World Alone", they are amazing and addictive. For me, the songs are all about living life, going from being a common person and to being rich and living a "good life", having fun and love. From all the songs in the album "Buzzcut Season" is my favourite. For the lyrics, the melody and because it just makes me want to dance (always a winner right?) So you can see (or should I say, hear?) what I'm talking about here it goes. 


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