Monday 17 February 2014

Let's exercise!

It's that time of the year when I start to think its time for me to start doing exercise. And yes, this happens every single year. Sometimes in April/May, others before that. Problem? It only lasts for a couple of days or weeks. 

As I said before I am a very lazy person. I like to be fit (who doesn't?) but I am always too lazy to do exercise. I remember when I was in school, PE was always my worst subject, pushing my average down a few points (one year I almost failed at it). After I finished school and when I started to gain weight, my mum always pushed me to do some exercise, so when the weather was starting to get better I always went for a run with her or with my dog or did home exercises. At the beginning I was always motivated and used to do it every morning, but then laziness would strike and I'd stop it for another year, but was still complaining that my thighs and my belly were too fat. 

In August last year, I started to loose weight. It was my final month doing my dissertation and when I am too stressed, I can't eat and that always leads me to lose weight. By October I had lost 4 kg and so far I am 6kg less than I was 6 months ago. Obviously, I don't recommend that "diet" to anyone, but I am really happy with it right now. My thighs are skinnier and my belly is gone. So now all I need to do is to start making some exercise to maintain my weight and tone my muscles. Yesterday, I decided that today I was the day I would start to exercise (again). My friend lent me her results with Lucy account - -, as she said it was an easy but effective workout. I was supposed to wake up early today, but for a change that didn't happen. When I finally got the courage to get out of bed, I put my exercise clothes and on and was ready to go. Let's just say that after 5 minutes of the bootylicious workout I was dead, and I still had to work on my abs. With a bit of motivation, I decided to finish it, doing about 20 min in total. My plan is to start with the easy ones and then increase the intensity and time. All I need to do is work on my motivation, which always leads me to give up after a few weeks.

I am ready to do it again tomorrow, however, I can't imagine the pain I'll have. But has someone told me, no pain no gain, so let's do it!!

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